ElumTools Version Migration

ElumTools evolves with every release. Migrating users may need to make minor revisions to their ElumTools work from one version to another to remain equivalent to their state in previous versions. If you are revisiting ElumTools after using an early version, please note the following major changes and when they took place in the product evolution.

Calculation Point Families

With the release of ElumTools 2017 (2015.8, 2016.5) all calculation points are now family-based and parameters are no longer a property of Rooms or Spaces. ElumTools will automatically upgrade any Room or Space based points to the new point family on initialization. All calculation point families utilize a new calculation points family marker which will be visible within the boundary.

Light Source position

With the release of ElumTools 2014.9, 2015.4 and 2016.1 the light source position and aiming is no longer editable in the Light Source Tab of Luminaire Manager. ElumTools now expects the light source position to be correct in the luminaire family. This has an important impact on projects where you might have corrected a light source position or aiming from within ElumTools. When the project is initialized using any of the ElumTools versions above (or newer), all previously applied ElumTools light source modifications will be lost. This will require family editing to correct.


Revit/ElumTools version Static source Dynamic source Behavior
2012 unknown unknown Always places source at family origin
2013, 2014, 2015 Known Known only for default position Matches static source and dynamic default position
2014.9, 2015.4, 2016.1 and later Known Known Places source as located and aimed in the family.


Analysis Display Style

The ElumTools Analysis Display Styles are named by version. For example: "ElumTools 2020".